Physical Chemistry from a Different Angle
1. Introduction and First Basic Concepts (導入と初歩的な基礎概念)
2. Energy (エネルギー)
3. Entropy and Temperature (エントロピーと温度)
4. Chemical Potential (化学ポテンシャル)
5. Influence of Temperature and Pressure on Transformations (物質変換における温度と圧力の影響)
6. Mass Action and Concentration Dependance of Chemical Potential (化学ポテンシャルの質量作用と濃度依存性)
7. Consequences of Mass Action: Acid-Base Reactons (質量作用の結果:酸塩基反応)
8. Side Effects of Transformations of Substances(物質変換の副作用)
9. Coupling (カップリング反応)
10. Molecular-Kinetic View of Dilute Gases (希薄気体の分子運動論的考察)
11. Substances with Higher Density (高密度物質)
12. Spreading of Substances (物質の拡散)
13. Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Mixtures (均質な混合物と不均質な混合物)
14. Binary Systems (二元系)
15. Interfacial Phenomena (界面現象)
16. Basic Principles of Kinetics (動力学の基本原理)
17. Composite Reactions (複合反応)
18. Theory of Rate of Reaction (反応速度論)
19. Catalysis (触媒反応)
20. Transport Phenomena (移動速度論)
21. Electrolyte Solutions (電解質溶液)
22. Electrode Reactions and Galvani Potential Differences (電極反応とガルバニ電位差)
23. Redox Potentials and Galvanic Cells (酸化還元電位とガルバニ電池)
24. Thermodynamic Functions (熱力学関数)
mass action:質量作用
composite reaction:複合反応
rate of reaction:反応速度
transport phenomena:移動速度論、輸送速度論
electrolyte solution:電解質溶液
electrode reaction:電極反応
redox potential:酸化還元電位
thermodynamic funtion:熱力学関数